Since 2017, over 100 ASU undergraduates, graduate students and alumni have documented diverse forms of ethnic privilege and discrimination across over 800 ethnic groups in more than 70 countries worldwide.
Our aim is to develop and disseminate a database for the full range of ethnic groups worldwide to better identify, understand, and alleviate the negative health effects of ethnic-based discrimination globally.
The project involves several key activities:
- Developing a codebook that describes common forms of ethnic-based privilege (e.g., speaking the state language, practicing the dominant religion, having political representation, and self-governance) and discrimination (segregation, exclusion, forced removal, forced labor and slavery, ethnocide, and ethnicity-targeted killings).
- Coding ethnic groups worldwide based on their documented experience of different forms of discrimination and privilege.
- Tracking the quality of data for these ethnic groups, as the most marginalized groups are also frequently the least documented.
- Writing up and disseminating brief case studies of specific kinds of discrimination as a complement to the database. You can find the current write-ups here:

Current and Past Editors
Hunter Blevins, Samantha Bradford, Rayna Castillo, Natasha Chandra, Colleen Clauss, Alicia Hernandez, Vianney Mancilla, Maya Shrikant
Current and Past Contributors
Ramona Adair, Sophia Agne, Mahad Alam, Mariam Alam, Farizah Ali, Azzam Almouai, Leilani Alva, Elizabeth Ardilla, Zaida Arellano Reyes, Cammi Barbosa, Delaney Billig, Hunter Blevins, Makenna Bloomfield, Deneb Bobadilla, Isabella Boker, Samantha Bradford, Kelli Brown, Gabriel Cardenas, Therin Carr, Omer Carrillo, Rayna Castillo, Natasha Chandra, Vivian Chau, Jocelyn Chen, Thomas Chia, Colleen Clauss, Kathleen Click, Blake Coram, Nichole Dahlen, Maki Davidson, Michael Demangone, Maria Dooling, Alexandria Drake, Katherine Edwards, Alexander Enriquez, Aracely Esquer, Erin Fagan, Victoria Fuller, Ian Glatt, Hannah Goldman, Ashlee Greenier, Laura Haas, Joseph Hackman, Alexa Hager, Zeenat Hammond, Alicia Hernandez, Li-Chen Hou, Maren Hunter, Lacey Hurst, Analisa Jiminez, Rebekah Kamer, Sophie Keahon, Jacob Kebe, Arisha Khan, Jihui Kuang, Giselle Lopez, Vianney Mancilla, Jayline Martin, Johanna McCombs, Mason McNeel, Raelani Miyagi, Francisca Morales, Anusha Natarajan, Amanda Nelson, William Nicholson, Nusrat Nijum, Ryan Oakley, Alexis Paynter, Ethan Pelland, Abigail Pentecost, Ash Pessaran, Megan Phillips, Lauren Poklar, Kimberly Prete, Hajer Rahee, Brenda Ramos, Ray Regorgo, Allison Roberts, Martha Ryan, Mary Saxon, Maya Shrikant, Nuri Soni, Gabby Staker, Tali Sulcas, Rami Sussan, Ann Thomas, Azalea Thomson, Aryanna Thuraisingam, Jasmine Truong, Anthony Un, Domenik Valdivia, Rubi Vasquez, Tajinder Virdee, Mariya Voytyuk, Erika Walker, Meghan Werbick, Katherine Woolard